Welcome to my web site.  I am working to put more content up eventually, but for now feel free to browse around using the links at the top.

This site is a cross between a self-promotion page and a personal home page.  I am a graduate in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Currently, I am working for MoneyBoard developing an in-store coupon system that uses a computerized kiosk to dispense coupons to consumers.  The past few years, I have focused mainly on web development, design and programming.  I also enjoy working on regular software projects and lately have been doing a mix of both.  I particularly enjoy the design and creation aspect that both web development and software development require.  I have a great mix of creative and technical abilities that make me quite versatile in the overall design and implementation of projects.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis and golf when the weather is nice.  I enjoy games that require logic and strategy, so when the weather isn't as nice, I tide myself over with various video games and card games.