Neumann Enters the City

Destruction on NicolletFrom the lake, Neumann spotted a large cluster of buildings and decided to seek refuge there. As he got near the buildings, he saw that there were many people there. He became very angry and began smashing and destroying everything in sight.


Neumann'sFirstStep.jpg (34306 bytes)Down below the chaos that was Neumann, a deaf man walked out of the bank after cashing his meager paycheck.  Not aware of the situation on the street and not hearing the screams and crashing, he wandered out onto the street without a care in the world.  Meanwhile, Neumann was angry trying to catch all the pesky humans running about, but they all ran away from him and into the safety of buildings.  Seeing an easy target, Neumann squished the deaf man with his enormous shoe.


Neumann climbs the FoshayAll of a sudden, Neumann heard a loud noise that seemed to be coming closer. He looked around and saw three military helicopters coming for him again. He again became afraid and started climbing the nearest building to try to reach the helicopters. He tried swatting at them, but they were too high. One got too close though, and he grabbed it and threw it to the ground.


Neumann, the One Man Army
Neumann let go of the building and dropped to the ground. He began to run from the helicopters. At the edge of the city, the army had set up a barricade. When Neumann realized that he was trapped, he tried to destroy the barricade. No one knows for sure what happened to Neumann that day, but the army never made any official reports of Neumann's capture or death. So I guess we'll never know what really happened to Neumann. Some say that he still lives, hiding in a trash dump just outside of the city. There have not been any confirmed reports of Neumann sightings, but there are rumors of his continued existence.

What Happened to Neumann?